
Ikibox Companion : our new air quality tester

For some time now, regulations have imposed on buildings receiving public, in particular those receiving sensitive audiences such as nurseries, schools, colleges and high schools, but also retirement homes, monitor indoor air quality within their establishment. Ikibox Companion has been designed to help you.

ikibox companion noir xxl

Ikibox purifiers: innovation at the service of indoor air quality​

Ikibox is a product range of new generation air purifiers designed by the Swiss company Banyan Health. By intervening directly at the molecular level, our innovative products neutralize all indoor air pollutants in less than 10 minutes. A unique technology in the world that allows you to regain clean air and effectively preserve your health.

Numerous fields of application​

Ikibox range

Ikibox Companion

Ikibox Companion

THE air quality tester
that you need
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Iki One

Iki One

THE solution against
malodors in confined
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Ikibox 120

Ikibox 120

The stand-alone air
purifier suitable for
surfaces from 10 to 45 m²
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Ikibox 250

Ikibox 250

THE versatile air
purifier suitable for
spaces from 45 to 100 m²
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Ikibox 1000

Ikibox 1000

The most powerful
indoor air purifier for
large spaces (>400 m²)
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Clean up 99,9999 % of indoor air in 10 minutes

Your questions

Our devices allow the reduction by destruction (up to 99.999%) of Adenovirus, H1N1, H5N2 and MERS CORONAVIRUS in less than 10 minutes. This means that in less than 10 minutes, your room is purified from COVID-19.

Our aircraft are designed to remove air pollution as well as unpleasant odours. By placing an ikibox in your room, you get both a healthy and odorless room.

The effectiveness of our devices depends on the area of the room in which they are installed.
> An Iki One purifier covers areas from 1 m² to 4 m².
> An Ikibox 120 purifier covers areas from 10 m² to 50 m².
> An Ikibox 250 purifier covers areas from 80 m² to 120 m².
> An Ikibox 120 purifier covers areas up to 400 m².

Our appliances are classified as the cheapest on the market for better efficiency. They are more efficient and allow you to purify your parts in just 10 minutes. In short, we are the best quality/price ratio on the market.

They talk about us

Firas Esreb’s interviews on BFM Business (from 5:10)

Our client references

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